fair sex

[fɛə seks]
  • 释义
  • 女性;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The academia research to fair sex problem, mostly apt comes to both area to undertake apart.

    学术界对公平性问题的研究, 大多倾向于将二者区分开来进行.

  • 2、

    Poems from Yutai Xinyong focus on the affection and the fair sex, namely, " collection of boudoir "

    摘要《玉台新咏》专收表现男女之情及与女性有关的诗歌, 所谓 “ 但辑闺房一体 ”

  • 3、

    Many companies still discriminate against the fair sex.


  • 4、

    Bob likes watching the fair sex.


  • 5、

    Michael always liked to please the fair sex; but they generally laughed at him.

    迈克尔总是喜欢取悦女性, 但她们通常拿他来取笑.

  • 6、

    Of pilfer date increasingly rampant, more serious destruction make gold the fair sex the industry.

    盗号的日益猖獗, 更为严重的破坏了“打金”行业的公平性.

  • 7、

    The fair sex gathered on the veranda.


  • 8、

    This first human of the fair sex was named Pandora.


  • 9、

    It cannot assure information authenticity, accuracy, integrality, seasonable sex , fair sex.

    它无法保证信息真实性 、 准确性 、 完整性 、 及时性 、 公平性.

  • 10、

    But in so far as she is keeping up as one of the Fair Sex.


  • 11、

    Car insurance: an unfair deal for the fair sex?

    汽车保险: 一个不公平的待遇,公平性?
